Triumph of the Weeds

Gardening Wishlist
January 5, 2009, 2:46 am
Filed under: garden

My gardening endeavors at the moment are limited by a lack of education on my part as well as a lack of initial capital, i.e. tools, soil, containers, and seeds/plants. I also anticipate having to move 3-4 times in the next 10 years, so the gardening paraphernalia that I accumulate needs to be worth the effort expended moving it from place to place.

I’m currently living in North Carolina (in the Piedmont), and anticipate moving to Eastern Tennessee, and then to Wyoming. Obviously location will have some influence over what I can grow. Here are some musings about what I’d like to include in my garden, everything else being equal.

*Herbs: I have thyme and oregano, and should get basil, cilantro, mint, parsley, and dill from my mom’s garden. I think I also want to get bay leaf and rosemary. I may want to get others, but that will depend on which herbs I most commonly cook with, and I haven’t figured that out yet.

*Plants: peas, beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrot, parsnip, other root vegetables, onions, garlic, ginger, bell peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, kale, eggplant, mushrooms, artichokes, asparagus

*fruit: raspberries, black berries, strawberries, peaches, mangoes, oranges, limes, lemons

*flowers: lilacs
In general, I’m not that interested in a flower garden. While flowers are pretty, I’d much rather grow things that are both pretty and useful, like fruit and vegetable plants. But I have a particular fondness for the scent of fresh lilac.

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